Young Parent Support

A smiling infant looks up at the woman holding them.

Journey Program at MCH

Supporting young parents on their path to self-worth and positive parenting

What is Journey Program?

Maine Children’s Home's (MCH) Journey Program provides young parents with the knowledge, tools, and skills they need to be academically, financially, and emotionally successful individuals and parents.

Founded in 1974, the program’s focus is to build upon the strengths of pregnant and parenting youth, offering classes in prenatal education, parenting instruction, independent living skills, mental health access and supports, and other practical knowledge. Maine Children’s Home provides individualized guidance for each parent as they learn new skills. Staff also organize opportunities for the parents, their children, and members of their support system to bond as a group and grow together. 

Who Can Participate in Journey Program?

Historically, Journey Program (formally Teen Parent Education Program) provided services to only teenagers who were pregnant or parenting. In 2022, MCH expanded Journey Program to serve adults in their early 20s who are pregnant or parenting and could benefit from the program. This expansion gives the program the ability to continue support and involvement with parents beyond their teen years. MCH and Journey Program staff are excited about this expansion and look forward to working with participants on their parenting and adulting “Journey”. 

If you're interested in learning more about participating in Journey Program for yourself or someone else, click the following button:

Inquiry Form


We're Experts in the Young-Parent Journey

The staff of Journey Program have extensive experience working with young parents, as well as teaching skills and information that are important for any parent to be aware of. Program Director Alaina Wolman is a former young parent herself and has been involved in the program for 20 years.

What Journey Program Offers

Nearly all of the following supports and training provided by Journey Program are available in person or virtually.

  • PRENATAL EDUCATION: Parents learn about the changes their bodies will make, the importance of prenatal care, the stages of fetal development, and how to prepare for labor and delivery. 
  • PARENTING EDUCATION: Parents learn about caring for and bonding with their child(ren), developmental milestones, safety, and navigating the joys and challenges or raising children.
  • RESOURCE ASSISTANCE: Parents have help connecting to community resources, navigating resource paperwork, exploring jobs, and finding childcare.
  • EDUCATION SUPPORT: Guidance and support to young parents interested in completing high school, college, or other educational programs.  Scholarship opportunities for any post-secondary education are available.
  • CARE SUPPLIES: Parents have access to diapers, wipes, and other essentials. 

What Journey Program May Not Offer

Although the program does not provide meals or transportation, water and snacks are always available as are options for assistance with transportation.

Referrals to other MCH services:

Contact Us

Anyone who is interested in enrolling or obtaining more information about the Journey Program at MCH can fill out this inquiry form, and a visit, enrollment, and initial assessment of whether the program will meet participant needs will be scheduled. There is no cost to attend.

For any other questions, call (207) 873-4253 or email to reach the program director.

Are you an alumnus of Journey Program (or Teen Parent Education Program)? Keep in Touch!

Fill out the form on this page HERE.

Support Journey Program

Monetary gifts to Maine Children's Home's Journey Program help with the costs of running the program and purchasing specific items such as clothing and diapers for babies and toddlers.

Give to Maine Children's Home Today

In-kind gifts can be purchased on our Amazon wish list.

Thank You to Our Supporters:

Assistance Plus

The Legacy of the Sharon Abrams Teen Parent School

The Legacy Name of this program, Sharon Abrams Teen Parent School, honors Sharon Abrams who was the first Teen Parent School Program teacher (1974-1982), becoming Program Director (1982-1990), then Assistant Executive Director (1990-1992), before becoming Executive Director (1992-2015).  Sharon was inducted into the Maine Women’s Hall of Fame in 2004 in recognition of her leadership and community engagement at the helm of MCH.