Why Give?

A child smiles in a field of sunflowers.

Hope Starts With Your Decision Today

Did you know that the Academy of American Pediatrics declared a national state of emergency for children’s mental health in October of 2021? In their report, they noted rates of childhood mental health concerns and suicide had been rising steadily for at least a decade, even before the pandemic.

By 2018, suicide was the second leading cause of death for young people ages 10 to 24 years. The pandemic brought on even greater physical isolation, ongoing uncertainty, fear, and grief. Following the news and the trends of the mental health of young people is certainly difficult to process.

There’s some good news, though! Hope starts with you.

As a giver to Maine Children’s Home (MCH), you are showing up as an ally and partner to face this mental health crisis.

Your gift assures that the counseling support, adoption support, parenting guidance, holiday assistance, and trauma-informed trainings continue to build and strengthen Maine families, instilling hope for the future.


Change lives for the better by giving today!

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About the programs your gift will support

Our Family Adoption Program at MCH

In our adoption program, your gift will help support individuals and families who are facing the financial costs of pregnancy and birth-parent counseling; who are searching to be reunited with their family members; or who are moving forward with a domestic or international adoption. Family Adoption Program at MCH is also known as the George J. & Mary S. Mitchell Adoption Unit.

Our Journey Program at MCH

In our young parent program, your gift will help provide education, counseling, support, and guidance to young people who are pregnant or parenting. Journey Program at MCH was formerly known as the Teen Parent Education Program or Sharon Abrams Teen Parent School.

Our Christmas / Winter Essentials Program at MCH

In our Christmas Program, your contribution will help us purchase winter essentials and toys for the more than 1,100 kids our Christmas Program serves in Maine each year.

Our Family Counseling Center at MCH

In our counseling program, your gift will support our outpatient mental health counseling, specializing in play and art therapy, and adoption counseling. Family Counseling Center at MCH is also known as the Harland A. Turner Counseling Center.


Thank you for your generous support of the Maine Children’s Home.

This information does not constitute legal or financial advice. Consult your financial advisor and obtain professional counsel of an attorney to assist you in making a gift in a way that will benefit the people and organizations you care most about.